To recognize and reward those who contribute more.
To have faith in our company, in the products and in oneself.
To stay the course and finish the tasks, even when
unexpected obstacles develop.
15 |
and Antitrust Laws
Competition and antitrust laws protect
free enterprise. These laws prohibit anti competitive agreements,
such as price-fixing conspiracies, and other conduct, such
as predatory efforts to eliminate competitors. Schering-Plough
must comply with these laws.
This means:
- We never talk with or exchange information with competitors
or others to:
- Fix prices – this can include
setting minimum or maximum prices, or “stabilizing”
- Fix terms related to price, pricing
formulas, credit terms, promotions, discounts, allowances,
- Divide up markets, customers
or territories;
- Place output restrictions or
limits on production;
- Rig a competitive bidding process,
including arrangements to submit sham bids; or
- Boycott a supplier, customer,
or distributor or others in the marketplace.
- You should avoid creating even the appearance of an improper
agreement or understanding by keeping communications with
our competitors to a minimum.
- There should always be a legitimate business reason for
all communications with competitors.
Complying with antitrust and competition
laws also means that you should:
- Not attempt to monopolize or dominate markets except through
superior products, service or performance;
- Seek legal advice before selling “below
cost” (which in certain circumstances can be illegal
“predatory” pricing); and