To recognize and reward those who contribute more.
To have faith in our company, in the products and in oneself.
To stay the course and finish the tasks, even when
unexpected obstacles develop.
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- Never use information marked “confidential,”
or something similar, belonging to anyone else.
Gifts and Entertainment
Exchanging social amenities or business
gifts of a modest value such as small gifts, meals and entertainment
is a common practice meant to create goodwill and establish
trust in business relationships and is permitted. Schering-Plough
expects the use of good judgment and moderation when giving
or receiving entertainment or gifts. Avoid situations that
could compromise or appear to compromise your impartiality.
This means:
- Business gifts or meals should
be infrequent and should never be conditioned upon, or be
a reward for, purchasing, prescribing or promoting Schering-Plough’s
products and services.
- Gifts, meals and entertainment may be provided or accepted
in the normal course of business as long as they:
- Involve persons with whom Schering-Plough
has or may have business;
- Are reasonable and consistent
with applicable laws and with accepted ethical standards
and local business practices;
- Are of modest value and properly
recorded in company records so they could not be construed
as a bribe, payoff or kickback; and
- Are not in violation of the rules
of the recipient’s organization.
What is considered “modest”
may vary, depending on the country in which we are doing business.
Certain exceptions to the Standards may be made in countries
where differing practices are customary with approval of your
management in consultation |