We are counting on you to
assist the company by knowing your responsibilities
under the Standards
and letting us know when help is needed. Following
are some tips on how to act responsibly – to Lead
with Integrity –
in any work situation.
AND LIVE THE STANDARDS. You can serve as a role
model by knowing the laws, regulations and company policies
that are summarized in the Standards
and living them every day.
to be familiar with the laws, regulations and company
policies that apply to your specific job function and
level of responsibility. If you are not sure whether
a law or policy applies, or whether it exists at all,
MAKE ASSUMPTIONS. Do not assume that “management
already knows” or “management doesn’t
want to hear bad news.” Do not assume that
no action will be taken, or that you will be penalized
for taking action. Management is dedicated to
ensuring that the Standards
are upheld. We want you to tell us if something
is wrong.
IGNORE VIOLATIONS. We all need to take the law
and company policies that are summarized in the Standards
seriously. If you think someone may be violating
laws or the Standards, please take steps to address
the situation.
can happen, or can go undetected, because of weakness
in an existing control or process. In these situations,
do not hesitate to suggest improvements.
BE PRESSURED. You are never expected to violate
a law, regulation or company policy nor should you ever
feel encouraged or pressured to do so – even if
the violation will improve the bottom line or help meet
a performance goal. |
Letter from the EMT and Advisors
“Leading with Integrity.”
Three simple words,
but they speak volumes about what the New Schering-Plough
is all about. At the New Schering-Plough each colleague
is a leader. We have identified and asked every Schering-Plough
colleague to exhibit six Leader Behaviors that we believe
are critical to transforming our company into a high
performing, global company. One of these behaviors,
Business Integrity, is the foundation of our Global
Compliance and Business Practices program.
By making business integrity a part
of each decision we make, and by adhering to our Values
and to the business practice standards set forth in
these Standards of Global Business Practices, we will
make progress toward our vision to earn trust every
day. This in turn will also help us regain leadership
in the pharmaceutical industry with leading health innovations,
with leading business performance, and with a leading
reputation with patients, physicians, regulators, employees,
shareholders and even our competitors.
The objective of Schering-Plough’s
Global Compliance and Business Practices program is
to give each colleague the knowledge he or she needs
to do his or her job in full compliance with the law,
and the confidence that whenever he or she does the
right thing, he or she will receive our full support,
and the full support of his or her colleagues.
The Standards of Global Business
Practices are not designed to answer every possible
question that might arise. Read them carefully. If you
have any questions about how the Standards apply to
your responsibilities, seek advice from your manager
or a member of the Global Compliance, Law, or Global
Human Resources departments. You can also contact any
of us identified below. Our signatures represent our
commitment to the Standards of Global Business
Practices and all the elements of “Leading with
