EXCELLENCE To take pride in doing things really well.

EECUTION To get things done through a bias for action.

PERIPHERAL VISION To see both the immediate task and the full picture, and to be sensitive to how one's actions affect others.

  • Never sell, transfer or dispose of company assets, or engage in any financial transaction such as a contract, without proper documentation and authorization.
  • Always cooperate with our internal and external auditors.

Company Computers and Software

Computer technology – hardware, software, networks and the information that runs on them – are the property of Schering-Plough and are critical to business success. Everyone who uses a computer has a responsibility to use these resources appropriately, and for the business uses intended. This means:

  • Company computers must be used responsibly and primarily for legitimate business purposes. Personal use should be reasonable and kept to a minimum.
  • The security of computer systems, including corporate data, electronic communications and application software must be protected at all times.
  • Electronic communications that might be considered offensive, derogatory, defamatory, harassing, obscene or otherwise vulgar are prohibited.
  • Never use company electronic communications systems to improperly disseminate copyrighted or licensed materials.
  • Always protect information used to access company networks, including user names and passwords.
  • Schering-Plough has the right to access and review all communications, records and information created at work or with company resources.
Electronic Communications Policy C-119; IT Software Licensing Policy C-135. For questions on whether a particular kind of information may be sent by e-mail, check with your immediate supervisor. For information on computer and network security, contact your IT department.