EXCELLENCE To take pride in doing things really well.

EECUTION To get things done through a bias for action.

PERIPHERAL VISION To see both the immediate task and the full picture, and to be sensitive to how one's actions affect others.


Intellectual Property – Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights. Company patents, trademarks, trade secrets and copyrights are assets to be protected. It is important that we identify and protect any new works of authorship, technological and medical advances or unique solutions to business problems. This will enable our company to take measures to protect these new works under intellectual property laws. You should contact the Law department if you suspect that a company patent, trademark, copyright or trade secret is being infringed.

This means:

  • Any product whose content is protected under a trademark should be marked with the appropriate symbols such as “®” (registered trademark), “™” (trademark) or “sm” (service mark).
  • Copyrighted works should contain the notice “© (Year).” (Schering-Plough ). All Rights Reserved.
  • Promptly complete and transmit to the Law department an Invention Disclosure Form describing any potentially patentable inventions.
Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights Policy C-130. The Invention Disclosure Form is available at https://e-hr.schp.com/s-peworld/s-pehr/pdf/ CONFIDEINVENT0520.pdf. The Law department can answer questions regarding the use of patents, trademarks and copyrights.

Proprietary Information of Others. Just as we protect our own confidential information we respect the proprietary and confidential information of others. This includes written materials, software, music and other intellectual property.

This means:

  • Confidential business information, including computer records, from prior employers should not be brought to, or used at Schering-Plough.
  • Unlicensed software should not be loaded on any company computer.