excellence in safety and health performance as an essential element of every activity or process and as a shared business value that must not be compromised. A safe and healthy work environment also means a secure workplace free from violence. Acts of violence, threats, threatening and malicious behavior, intimidation or any other form of workplace violence will not be tolerated.

This means:

  • Creating an atmosphere where safety, health, environmental excellence and coaching among colleagues on safe work practices are encouraged and valued.
  • Complying with all applicable laws, regulations and other requirements designed to protect safety and health.
  • Encouraging the active participation of all colleagues in safety and health efforts and initiatives.
  • Ensuring that each colleague is aware of the potential hazards in their work environment and is qualified to perform his/her duties.
  • Bringing any unsafe acts or conditions - including threats or intimidation -to the attention of a manager, a local Safety and Health Representative, your local Human Resource representative or Global Safety and Environmental Affairs. You may also contact the Integrity Action Line.
Safety, Health and Security

Q. I have been asked by a colleague to perform a task that I believe may be unsafe. What should I do?

A. The first thing you should do is discuss your specific safety concerns about the task with your manager. You should ask whether the specific hazards of the task have been identified and evaluated, and what controls are in place for your protection. If, after discussing your concerns with your manager, you are still not comfortable with performing the proposed task you should contact a higher level of management, the Global Human Resources department, or your local safety professional for further advice. You may also contact the Integrity Action Line.


Copyright 2007 Schering-Plough