Accounting or auditing matters, raising
concerns, 5-6
Accurate books and records, 35
Adverse drug events, reporting and tracking, 28
Agent, 3, 19
Alcohol, 8, 12
Animal welfare, 14, 28, 46
Animal Use and Care Committee, 29
Anonymously raising concerns or seeking
advice, 58
Anti-bribery law, 19
Anti-kickback law, 19
Antitrust, 21-23
Assets, protecting, 32, 34, 36, 39 |
Board of Directors, reporting accounting-related
concerns to, 59
Books and record keeping, 33
Boycotts, 21
Bribery, 18-20, 24 |
Calling the Integrity Action Line, 56-59
Communities and the public, 46
Company assets, proper use, 34, 36
Competition laws, 21-22
Competitive information, intelligence, 23-24
Meetings or discussions with, 21
Information exchange, 22
Working for, 24, 41-42
Disparaging statements about, 24
Trade secrets, 24
Fair dealing, 20-21, 24
Compliance Officer, 2, 4, 17-21, 26, 33-34, 49,
56-57, 59
Compliance with law, regulation, policy, 2-3,
27-28, 32
Computer software, 32, 40
Computer technology, 36
Confidential and proprietary information
Belonging to Schering-Plough, 38
Employee, 24
Belonging to others, 25-26, 38, 40 |
Confidential reporting of concerns, 57
Conflicts of interest, 18, 32, 36, 41-42
Copyright, 32, 37-40
Corporate opportunities, 41-42
Corruption, 18, 20
Customs, 4, 14, 20 |
Data Privacy Steward, 25-26
Data protection, 25
For retaliation, 16, 59
For violations of Standards or
Company policy, 5, 59
Discrimination, 9-10, 56
Dividing markets, territories,
customers, 21-22
Drugs, 12, 14, 39, 44 |
Electronic communications, 37
E-mail, 35, 37, 50
Entertainment, offering or receiving, 14, 16-18, 42
Environment, 8-11, 23, 46-47
Equal treatment, 9
Export controls, 20-21
Export licensing, 21 |
Financial analysts, 48
Financial reporting, 4, 33
Financial interest in competitor, 42
Fixing prices, 21-22
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), 18-19
Fraud and Abuse, healthcare, 16
Fundraising, political, 49 |
Gifts, offering or receiving, 14, 16-20, 27, 42
Good clinical practices, 4, 26
Good Manufacturing Practices, 4, 27
Contracting, 14, 18, 34
Employee, 17-20
Gift restrictions, 14, 17-20
Investigations, 16, 35, 46, 50-51 |
Harassment, 8-10, 56
Harassment, reporting, 9-10
Hardware, 36
Health, safety and security, 10
Healthcare, 2
Healthcare fraud and abuse, 16, 19 |