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Media and Public Inquiries
Shareholders, financial analysts,
creditors, media outlets, patient
advocacy groups and others count on
us to provide reliable information on our
Company operations, performance and
outlook. Moreover, certain laws govern
how such information is disseminated.
It is important to Schering-Plough's
success that we meet these
expectations and comply with the law.
This means:
- Providing all members of the public,
including investors, analysts, press
and patient advocates, with equal
access to the same honest and
accurate information about material
matters - no one gets "special" or
favored treatment.
- Not using public forums such as
Internet bulletin boards or chat rooms
to discuss matters of opinion related
to Schering-Plough or any of its
industries, or to respond to
comments about the Company.
- Only those colleagues specifically
authorized to do so may respond to
inquiries from members of the
investment community (e.g.,
shareholders, brokers, investment
analysts, etc.) or the media.
Colleagues should forward investor
inquiries to Investor Relations and
media inquiries to Global
Media and Public Inquiries
Q. My friend introduced me to
a local reporter at a barbeque I
attended over the weekend. The
reporter just started working
for the business section of the
newspaper and is interested in
securing additional information
about our Company. As a
member of the oncology
marketing team, I know that
we have exciting data coming
out next week about one of our
products. Since the information
is about to become public
anyway, can I tell her about it?
A. No. You should never give
non-public information to
anyone, including a member
of the media, even if you know
it is about to become public.
You should refer her to Global
Q. I recently saw a report in the
newspaper about a Schering-
Plough product. Since I work
closely with this product, I know
that the information in the
newspaper report was incorrect.
Is it okay for me to write a letter
to the editor of the newspaper
to correct the record?
A. No. Individual colleagues are
not permitted to respond or to
contact journalists regarding
(Continued on next page)
