- Enforcing Company policy by monitoring colleague compliance and
implementing appropriate discipline for misconduct.
- Supporting colleagues who in good faith raise concerns regarding
potential misconduct.
Can the policies summarized in the Standards be waived?
Waivers of the policies summarized in the Standards are an exception
and will only be granted in special circumstances.
Schering-Plough will waive a policy only where:
- Circumstances warrant granting a waiver,
- Such waiver would not permit illegal or unethical conduct, and
- There are appropriate controls over the particular situation.
Waivers for colleagues will be made only with the approval of the
Senior Vice President, Global Compliance and Business Practices.
Waivers of any of the provisions of the Standards for corporate officers
may be made only by the Business Practices Oversight Committee
of the Board of Directors after receiving the recommendation of the
Senior Vice President, Global Compliance and Business Practices.
Waivers relating to the CEO, CFO and Controller will require approval
of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. Such waivers, if
granted, will be promptly disclosed as required by law, regulation
and NewYork Stock Exchange rules.
How do I use The Standards?
The Standards consist of:
- This Introduction;
- Four substantive sections that cover policies and legal requirements
relating to conduct in the Workplace, in the external Marketplace where we sell our products, in our internal Business operations, and
in the Communities where we operate;
A brief but important section, Upholding the Standards, that offers
some common sense tips for applying the Standards;
A section offering guidance in effectively Raising Concerns and
Seeking Advice regarding any compliance or integrity issues that
arise; and,
- An Acknowledgement that we each must read and understand the
matters contained in this Booklet. |