


In the four substantive sections, key policies and legal requirements are simply stated, and followed by a review of what "this means" to each colleague. References are made to Company policies and other internal resources where appropriate and are identified with the Birds. Q&As are also included to give real-world examples of many of the topics discussed.

If you have a compliance or integrity question, use the Standards as a guide. Begin by asking yourself the Questions to Ask listed in the box below. Use the Table of Contents and the Index to locate the issue about which you seek clarification or guidance. Reread the applicable section carefully. Think about the tips offered in Upholding the Standards. Finally, if you are still having difficulty resolving the issue, refer to the Raising Concerns and Seeking Advice section for further guidance. Whenever possible, the best place to start is with your manager.


Asking yourself these questions can help determine if a course of action demonstrates Leading with Integrity:

What laws apply to me?

  • Am I following my own moral compass?
  • Are my actions legal?
  • Am I acting in accordance with the Standards?
  • Would failing to act make the situation worse, or allow a "wrong" to continue?
  • How would this look on the front page of a newspaper?
  • What would those outside the Company - our customers, the people in the communities where we work, and the general public - think about these actions?
  • Is it right?

If the answers to any of these questions raise doubts in your mind, you should seek assistance and resolve the concern before taking action.


Copyright 2007 Schering-Plough