


available in many languages and Schering-Plough attempts to provide examples applicable to colleagues at all locations. Where differences exist as the result of local customs, norms, laws or regulations, you must apply either the Standards or local requirements - whichever sets the highest standard of behavior. Because Schering-Plough is incorporated in the United States, colleagues outside the United States may also be subject to certain U.S. laws and regulations. If questions arise about what law or rule applies, you should consult your manager, the Global Law department, Global Human Resources department or your local Compliance Officer. You should also consult a colleague from one of these departments if you do not understand portions of the Standards in the context of a local regulation or custom.

What are my individual responsibilities?

You are responsible for knowing and following all the laws, regulations and Company policies that apply to your job and level of responsibility. You also have the obligation to seek advice when needed, to raise concerns and to report suspected or known violations of law, regulation or Company policy. There are many more regulations and policies that may apply to your specific position than can be covered in this booklet, and it is your responsibility to take all appropriate opportunities for training offered to you by your manager. (Depending on your role, examples of policies for various operations include Good Clinical Practices, Good Laboratory Practices, Good Manufacturing Practices and Internal Controls over Financial Reporting.) If you know or have a suspicion that something is not right, seek help or advice immediately. Use the resources described in these Standards - your manager, the Global Law department, Global Human Resources department or your local Compliance Officer. You may also call the Integrity Action Line to find an answer or raise a concern.

What are management's responsibilities?

Managers have a responsibility to set the right example - to Lead with Integrity. The obligations of each Schering-Plough manager under these Standards include:

  • Informing the people who work for him or her about Company policies.
  • Ensuring that the people who report to him or her have adequate knowledge and resources to take appropriate action.
Copyright 2007 Schering-Plough