In Our Business
    • information you obtained about another company confidentially during the course of your work
  • Not giving inside information to anyone else so they can trade.

Colleagues who have inside information can lawfully trade in the market once the information is made public in a press release that is picked up by major media or in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Q. I am a scientist and I know that clinical trial results will be published soon that will bolster the Company's regulatory filing for a new use for one of our drugs. This is a huge new market and I think the Schering-Plough stock price will rise when the news comes out. I want to transfer my Savings Plan balance from the Growth Fund to the Company Stock Fund. May I?

A. No. Buying stock through the Savings Plan when you know material non-public information is prohibited by the federal securities laws, just as buying stock through a stockbroker is.


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