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- Not pursuing opportunities that are
discovered through the use of
Schering-Plough property, information
or position unless the Company has
already been offered the opportunity
and turned it down.
Trading on Inside Information
In order to protect the investing public,
securities laws make it illegal for those
with material "inside information" to
buy or sell securities (stocks, bonds,
options, etc.), an offense commonly
known as "insider trading." "Inside
information" means information that
is not available to the public. Information
is "material"if a reasonable investor
would likely consider it important in
deciding whether to purchase, hold or
sell a security. Colleagues must not
trade on inside information about
Schering-Plough or other companies
gained by virtue of their positions at
This means:
- Not buying or selling securities if
you have knowledge of material
non-public information such as:
- introduction of an innovative new
- significant new contracts
- changes in dividends
- mergers, acquisitions and joint
- major developments in litigation
- earnings statements and forecasts
- expected governmental actions
- material licensing agreements
Trading on Inside Information
Q. I am a researcher working
on a project with a joint venture
partner and I've become aware
that our partner is on the
verge of a major scientific
breakthrough. I want to
purchase some stock in our
joint venture partner or have
my spouse do so. Can I?
A. No.Neither you nor your
spouse can purchase this stock
until the information you have is
known to the public. If you use
this information or convey it
to others, you will be violating
Company policy and securities
laws and exposing yourself to
civil and criminal penalties.
