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or organizations that do business
with Schering-Plough.- Receiving any form of compensation
from a competitor, customer,
supplier or distributor.
- Becoming involved in a business
transaction on behalf of Schering-
Plough with an organization in
which you have a direct or indirect
interest or investment, especially if
you are in a position to control or
influence the Company's decisions
or actions with respect to the
If you believe that you have a potential
conflict of interest, the way to handle it
is to promptly disclose it to your manager
in writing. Many conflicts of interest
can be resolved in a simple and mutually
acceptable way. Also remember that
any appointment to serve as a director
or officer of a public corporation must
be approved by the CEO and, where
applicable, by the Board of Directors.
Corporate Opportunities. Colleagues
have a duty to the Company to advance
its legitimate interests when the
opportunity to do so arises.
This means:
- Not using Schering-Plough property,
information or position for personal
- Not becoming involved in activities
that compete with Schering-Plough.
Q. What if I’m not sure
whether a conflict of interest
A. You need to review the
relationship or activity with
your manager to assess whether
the relationship or activity
could influence or impair your
business objectivity in making
business decisions on behalf
of Schering-Plough.
Q.I’m leading a Company team
that is reviewing the possibility
of acquiring a company in which
I own stock. Do I need to
notify anyone about this?
A. Yes, you should notify your
manager about the situation.
Generally, colleagues may have a
financial interest in a competitor,
customer, vendor or contractor if
the financial interest is less than
1% of any class of securities in a
publicly-held corporation listed
on a recognized stock exchange
or over-the-counter market.
However, even an investment of
less than 1% may be considered
a conflict of interest where the
employee is in a position to
control or influence Schering-
Plough’s decisions or actions
with respect to a transaction.
