In Our Business

This means:

  • Marking any product whose content is protected under a trademark with the appropriate symbols such as "®" (registered trademark), "TM" (trademark) or "sm" (service mark).
  • Assuring that copyrighted works contain the notice "© (Year). (Schering-Plough). All Rights Reserved"
  • Promptly completing and transmitting to the Global Law department an Invention disclosure Form describing any potentially patentable inventions.

Proprietary Information of Others. Just as we protect our own confidential information, we respect the proprietary and confidential information of others. This includes written materials, software, music and other intellectual property.

This means:

  • Not bringing to or using on Company premises confidential business information, including computer records, from prior employers.
  • Not loading unlicensed software on any Company computer.
  • Not accepting or using anyone else's confidential information except under an agreement approved by the Global Law department.
  • Notifying the Global Law department if you believe another company's confidential information is being used.
  • Only copying or using documents and materials (including computer software, audio, video or other recordings) that are not copyrighted (for example, a government report) or when you have specific permission to do so.

If you have questions about intellectual property or copyright rules, contact the Global Law department. Schering-Plough's Library Information Center in the United States can assist with the use of copyright materials based on agreements that the Company has secured.

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Copyright 2007 Schering-Plough