Direct mail promoting Policies & Procedures Website. QR code conveniently leads employees directly to the site. Zoom
Concept: Each employee is a leader, and should Lead with Integrity within their own work environment.
ZoomCompliance Department intro music video displayed at the National Sales Meeting. Music Video was the introduction to the Compliance Department’s section.
ZoomCode of conduct was packaged inside a pocket folder with a letter and managers manual and a wallet card with the Helpline Phone number.
ZoomWe continued the bird motif from
the logo. This poster was translated into over 30 languages and distributed worldwide.
Mascot developed to encourage employees to call the IntegrityLine when they witness something unethical. Animation used at the National Sales meeting and online.
ZoomLogo for Compliance Department emphasizes the importance of introspect to ensure proper conduct.
ZoomDVD containing Test Your Knowledge game and the music video played at the National Sales meeting.
ZoomQuick Reference Guides provided employees with clarifications as to how to use the Concur system and step by step guidance for managing Focus Arrangements.
ZoomCode of Conduct graphics focuses on moral compass and directional images. Each page contains a quote relating to Integrity in business.
ZoomThe Integrity Champions are a group of middle to high-level managers who are responsible for streaming integrity values. All their communication is branded.
ZoomContent’s purpose is to inspire the leaders to operate with integrity,
lead by example and demand ethical behavior from their subordinates.
Poster promoting ActionLine was translated into over 30 languages and distributed worldwide.
ZoomBrochures purpose is to communicate to the work force the importance of accuracy and accountability based on the new law.
ZoomBased on focus groups data results, the brand was implemented to resolve major trust issues between the workforce and the Ethics and Compliance department.
ZoomAnimation based ad focusing on 3 main values. Ad ends with a “game“. It was distributed on CDs and placed online as well.
ZoomCompliance Corner is a quarterly newsletter. In this special issue of Compliance Corner we focused on the company’s values, particularly Flexibility and Efficiency.
ZoomPoster promotes Compliance and
the IntegrityLine. Client loved
the mirror concept we did for Schering-Plough and used the same material to drive message.
Animation promoted the Speak-Up campaign, used on the intranet and on TV screens.
ZoomAll the recent communication material were placed online with a voice over introduction. This link is provided to new hires at new employment training.
ZoomIntegrity must be in the forefront of all employee activities. The logo concept was expanded to encompass other categories. It became part of their values and training.
ZoomThis is a concise version of the POPS toolkit. It included all the electronic files and a small brochure detailing and explaining the DVD contents.
ZoomPoster promotes the Ombudsman and the ConcernLInes. It was translated and distributed internationally.
ZoomSite continued the birds brand provided employees with information and access to the code from anywhere.
ZoomCode of Conduct was distributed in a pocket folder with a wallet card promoting IntegrityLine number.
It was translated into 36 languages and distributed worldwide.
Online version of Policies & Procedures, posted on a website for easy access to all employees from anywhere at anytime.
ZoomReminder chart is provided to managers to ensure all the steps are taking in order to ensure compliance.
ZoomMultimedia ad was placed on the intranet site and a link was sent out via rich email. Purpose of the video was to promote the IntegrityLine.
ZoomPackage consisted of Mouse pad with CD, which included the animation.
It was sent out in a transparent envelope with a policies booklet.
Brochure was part of a
campaign promo-ing Data Privacy.
It came out concurrently with a multimedia project.
Flash Promo was part of a
campaign created for Employee
Data Security. It came out concurrently with a brochure promoting the same subject.
Flash Quiz, part of a campaign created for Physician/Patient
Data Privacy.
This issue of Compliance Corner emphasizes the importance of constant training, drawing a connection to sports, a theme
that all understand.
Electronic Code of Conduct. We also designed a printed version which was wire bound and included a pocket with an introduction letter. Book was translated into 30 languages and distributed worldwide.
ZoomCode of conduct was redesigned using the new standards of design. Code was translated into 36 languages and distributed worldwide.
ZoomCode of conduct content placed online for usability.
ZoomBrochure’s purpose is to clarify issues employees where having with the system/process.
ZoomThis poster was created with a mirror like material. When the employee gets close to the poster he/she sees themselves. The question on the poster is “Who is responsible for Compliance“? The answer is clear.
ZoomBoard Game used for training purposes. The board is magnetic and was placed on an easel. The playing pieces are magnets in the shape of the birds used in the logo, in order to reinforce the brand.
ZoomThis package included the material necessary for employees to become familiar with new processes after Pharmacia acquired Monsanto.
ZoomFor more information on our parent company, please visit:
Compliance Velocity™ is a subsidiary of GreenHouse Design, Inc.™ | 2013