2 minutes = Free consultation and up to thousands off your next project or app!

By answering the short questionnaire (about 2 minutes), we will have some background information, which we can use to evaluate the overall Ethics and Compliance culture
of your company.

  1. Answer the questions.
  2. We will call you to schedule a conference call for your FREE marketing consultation.
  3. If at some point, you decide to use any of our services or purchase one of our apps, you will receive a discount of 10% on your first project or app (up to $3,000).

There is absolutely no commitment whatsoever on your part. The free consultation is
just that, FREE!

Please answer all the questions

Rate the statements below





1. It’s easy to get board buy-in for Compliance projects

2. My compliance department gets a sizeable yearly budget

3. Leadership makes a point to attend compliance events

4. It’s easy to motivate the workforce to be ethical and compliant

5. It’s easy to get accurate data from employees

6. My Software partners are accommodating to my specific needs

7. My Compliance department is viewed as a cost center

8. My Compliance department is viewed as a direct contributor to business success

9. I need better ways to prove to the OIG the efforts we make toward building a culture of ethics and compliance

Select the answer that applies:

10. Does your department focus on Ethics and/or Integrity messaging along with compliance?

12. How often do you mention your company’s Values as part of your compliance messages?

11. Does your company Values includes a message that relates to Ethics or Integrity?

13. How is the compliance department viewed by the work force?